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Video Assessment Criteria

List of Certification requirements

List of video submission requirements

Certification FAQ

This page is available as a checklist that you can print and use to assess your videos to be sure that you have met all the requirements and that your videos meet our criteria for certification.


Video #1: TAGteach Fundamentals (All Levels)

Everyone must submit this video at some point in the certification process. If you did not submit it for your current level, then you’ll need to submit it for your next level.

Visit to see an example and detailed instructions for making this video

Assessment Criteria (must meet all criteria)

    • Uses cue cards
    • Follows script as per example video
    • Presentation is smooth with no errors

Video #2: TAGteach Session Script (All Levels)

Everyone must submit this video at some point in the certification process. If you did not submit it for your current level, then you’ll need to submit it for your next level.

Visit to see an example and detailed instructions for making this video

Assessment Criteria (must meet all criteria)

    • Uses cue cards
    •  Follows script as per example video
    • Presentation is smooth with no errors

Videos Showing Actual TAGteach Sessions (All Levels)

The video content requirements for each certification level are outlined here, along with sample videos:

The assessment criteria are the same for all videos. Some may not apply, depending on the teaching situation. For example, if the learner is non-verbal, then the criteria related to giving instructions and tag points may not apply.

The teaching videos must show you teaching a skill of some type to a human learner or a group of learners. Management tag points (where to stand, sitting nicely in class etc) are not sufficient. You must show us your teaching of an actual skill.

Every video does not need to follow the TAGteach Session Script. You should adapt your teaching to suit your learner. For Level 2 you will need to demonstrate the full script, so you'll need to a find a learner for whom that is appropriate.

The assessment criteria are shown in detail below.


TAGteach Phrasing (All Levels)

We use neutral language and try to minimize language in TAGteach. In your natural teaching sessions you may not use the TAGteach Session Script exactly, but we’d like to see you stick to it as closely as possible while maintaining a good rapport with your learner.

Here is a chart to show you what phrases are acceptable and not acceptable in terms of meeting the criteria for your certification videos.

TAGteach Phrasing

Does not Meet Criteria



The instructions are stand with your feet on the yellow line, hold up your right hand and take your turn when the person before you is finished.

I want you to ...

I would like you to ...

Here’s what I want you to do ...



The tag point is fingertips on ball

I want you to ...

I would like you to ...

Here’s what I want you to do ...

... you ...    ... I ...



Let me demonstrate

I will tag myself



It’s your turn to tag

You tag me



It’s my turn to tag

I will tag you


It’s Peter’s turn to tag (or be the teacher)

Peter will tag you


It’s your turn to be the teacher (or to tag)

You will tag Peter



Here are the assessment criteria that relate to phrasing and delivery. We suggest that you watch your videos before you submit them and evaluate them on the basis of these criteria.



Assessment Criteria






All tag points meet WOOF Criteria



Instructions are given with neutral phrasing (see chart above)



Tag points are delivered with neutral phrasing (see chart above)



“The tag point is...” is the last phrase spoken before the learner takes their turn

There is no extraneous talking by the teacher



Video Content Criteria

All videos for all certification levels must meet the TAGteach Phrasing criteria as outlined above.

The video content requirements differ by level

Level  1 and Level 2

If you are doing your Level 1 Certification online you will need to submit a TAGteaching video along with the other course homework. 

The content requirements for the Level 1 and Level 2 video submissions are the same.

The video should show one TAGteach session with one learner. There should be at least two different tag points for verbal learners. In the case of a shaping session with a non-verbal learner, the video should show an entire session from start to finish.

    • 7 minutes long or less
    • meets all phrasing and delivery criteria (see above)
    • learner is cooperative and engaged
    • tag timing is good
    • errors are ignored by teacher
    • teacher demonstrates the skill for the learner (if appropriate for learner)
    • learner gets a chance to be the teacher (Learner Tags Teacher - if appropriate for learner)
    • switch between teacher/learner roles (i.e. who is tagging) is smooth
    • session starts with a point of success
    • each tag point is repeated several times before moving on
    • transition between tag points is smooth
    • 3 try rule is obeyed (if there are errors)
    • ends on a high note

Level 2

For Level 2 Certification you need to submit three videos. If you already submitted one as part of your Level 1 Certification, then you only need to submit two more.

The phrasing and content criteria described above apply to all three videos.

At least one of these videos needs to show you using the full Focus Funnel and the TAGteach Session Script in action. If this isn't appropriate for the learners you normally work with, you’ll need to find another learner for the purposes of the video. This can be anyone and you can teach them anything.

    • 3 videos submitted
    • At least one video must show all of the following:
      • Lesson delivery (teacher demonstrates the full skill)
      • Instructions delivery
      • Tag Point delivery (The tag point is...)
      • teacher demonstrating the tag point (Teacher Tags Teacher)
      • Learner Tags Teacher

Level 3

For Level 3 Certification you need to submit three videos showing three different applications in three different learners. If the videos you submitted for Level 2 meet these criteria then you don’t need to submit additional videos.

The criteria described above apply to these videos as well. Please rewatch the videos you submitted previously as our criteria may have changed. If they do not meet the criteria as outlined above then you’ll need to submit new videos.

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